"To provide high quality PE and sport provision to enrich the lives of all young people"



PPA Curriculum Cover

CoachUnlimited feel that it is imperative that the PE lessons delivered in schools are high quality and encourage children to become life-long participants in physical activity. With PE being one of the four core curriculum subjects, the link between the healthy body and student achievement strengthens.

We are passionate about providing opportunities for young people to be physically active as we know the difference this can make to children’s development physically, personally and socially. PE lessons must be structured and progressive, ensuring everyone learns at their own pace. Lesson objectives should be laid out in order that children can see what they are learning and why.

Purchase Lesson Plans

Everything teachers need to deliver KS1-2 PE is included in our detailed and purposefully-designed lesson plans.

Covering 17 sports including athletics, hockey and basketball, our plans have been designed by a fully qualified and practicing PE teacher to make sure they cover all relevant topics.

The lessons are built around progression, fun and learning activities that are age appropriate with different learning resources to help monitor and measure students’ progress.

View our lesson plans here.


Lunchtime Activities

We work with schools to provide structured lunchtime activities for all pupils and are also keen to encourage leadership training where schools require it. These programmes have successfully been used to help with disruptive lunchtime problems or in order to extend the skills base of more able children. General lunchtime activities can also be provided for those schools who wish to allow additional opportunity for being active or to further develop teams and clubs.



After School Clubs

CoachUnlimited work with schools to provide fun after-school clubs and help you maximise the opportunities for children to participate in physical activity and sport.

Some activity examples include:

  • Cricket
  • Athletics
  • Dodgball
  • Scooting/Biking
  • Tennis and many more….’




First Aid Training

CoachUnlimited offer a range of first aid courses for staff, pupils and parents. Please click here to learn more about what is on offer.


CPD Programmes

CoachUnlimited run tailor made professional development programmes for staff. These range from practical coaching to planning and assessment workshops. The cpd programmes are purpose built to develop the skills of teaching staff and strengthen PE provision in each individual school.

The workshops are delivered by a qualified teacher who has a thorough understanding of the demands placed upon teachers and the requirements of the national curriculum.

These programmes ensure:

  • Staff are upskilled
  • The PE premium spend is sustainable in your school
  • Staff have increased confidence in delivery of PE
  • The PE coordinator is supported
  • The delivery of PE in your school is high quality


Specialist Programmes

  • Strong Girls Can (secondary school progamme) – visit page
  • Cycle training
  • Road safety
  • Smart moves for EYFS children

Click here to read more about our Specialist Programmes.


Swimming Cover

CoachUnlimited have STA Level 2 Award in Safety Award for Teachers (QCF) and are trained coaches who can work with the school to deliver a progressive and structured swimming programme to your classes.

Coaches are able to work across all ranges and abilities and are happy to work alongside other staff to deliver the swimming programme as well as be involved in the supervision before and after swimming.

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