"To provide high quality PE and sport provision to enrich the lives of all young people" HOME ABOUT US VISION VALUES ETHOS MEET THE TEAM TESTIMONIALS JOB VACANCIES OUR SERVICES PE & SPORT PROGRAMMES FIRST AID COURSES LESSON PLANS BIKEABILITY (COMING SOON) FOREST SCHOOL & BUSHCRAFT (COMING SOON) ENRICHMENT DAYS (COMING SOON) HOLIDAY CLUBS OUR ACE HOLIDAY CLUBS LOCATIONS FAQ POLICIES GALLERY BOOK NOW PAID PLACES BOOKINGS HAF BOOKINGS CONTACT US MEMBERS’ AREA WHAT IS THIS? MEMBER BENEFITS BRONZE MEMBER AREA SILVER MEMBER AREA GOLD MEMBER AREA GYMNASTICS WITH APPARATUS MEMBER AREA Log In My Account Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. - Step 1 of 6Name of person completing this form: *Email address: *Relationship to who you are filling the form for: *For example: Mother, Father.Which venue(s) have you booked for? *Congerstone PrimaryDesford Primary SchoolNethersole C of E Primary SchoolNewbold Verdon Primary SchoolHow did you hear about us? *CoachUnlimited staffVia school communicationsSocial mediaHAF teamOtherHow many children are you completing this form for? *OneTwoThreeFourName of main emergency contact: *Phone number of main emergency contact: *Name of second emergency contact:Phone number of second emergency contact:NextSave and Resume LaterChild full name: *Child date of birth: *Which school does your child attend? *School year group:EYFS ReceptionY1Y2Y3Y4Y5Y6Please use this space to list any medical conditions, allergies or dietary requirements: *Or state 'none'.Please use this space to detail any SEND requirements your child has: *Or state 'none'.Do you consent to images being taken of your child? *YesNoPlease use this space if you would like to provide any more information about your child:NextSave and Resume LaterChild 2 full name: *Child 2 date of birth: *Which school does your child attend? *School year group:EYFS ReceptionY1Y2Y3Y4Y5Y6Please use this space to list any medical conditions, allergies or dietary requirements: *Or state 'none'.Please use this space to detail any SEND requirements your child has: *Or state 'none'.Do you consent to images being taken of your child? *YesNoPlease use this space if you would like to provide any more information about your child:NextSave and Resume LaterChild 3 full name: *Child 3 date of birth: *Which school does your child attend? *School year group:EYFS ReceptionY1Y2Y3Y4Y5Y6Please use this space to list any medical conditions, allergies or dietary requirements: *Or state 'none'.Please use this space to detail any SEND requirements your child has: *Or state 'none'.Do you consent to images being taken of your child? *YesNoPlease use this space if you would like to provide any more information about your child:NextSave and Resume LaterChild 4 full name: *Child 4 date of birth: *Which school does your child attend? *School year group:EYFS ReceptionY1Y2Y3Y4Y5Y6Please use this space to list any medical conditions, allergies or dietary requirements: *Or state 'none'.Please use this space to detail any SEND requirements your child has: *Or state 'none'.Do you consent to images being taken of your child? *YesNoPlease use this space if you would like to provide any more information about your child:NextSave and Resume LaterPlease now 'submit' this form. You will receive an automated booking notification as well as a confirmation email from us in the days leading up to the holiday club - please check your junk folder or get in touch with us if you don't receive these. Please contact our friendly team should you need to: Main office: (01455) 393404 Holiday club mobile (on the day only): 07356054218 clubs@coach-unlimited.co.uk Many thanks - we are looking forward to seeing you soon! The CoachUnlimited Holiday Club Team SubmitSave and Resume Later Your form entry has been saved and a unique link has been created which you can access to resume this form. Enter your email address to receive the link via email. Alternatively, you can copy and save the link below. Please note, this link should not be shared and will expire in 30 days, afterwards your form entry will be deleted. Copy Link Email * Send Link